Dearest familia,
This will probably be more of a mish mash letter of the testimony I have gained on my mish and realized in the past week.
We have had a crazy time the past 2 weeks.
We have been struggling with the people we have been teaching. Communication has been hard when we literally can't contact people because they don't answer their phone, don't call back, and don't text back, and won't be home.
Last week for P day we had to switch from Monday to Tuesday because we had appointments we had to keep that could only happen on Monday!
Monday morning we had a promising appointment with Duane and Robin, a couple we called from the elders area book about 3 transfers ago and they said that they could finally meet.
Then we had a lunch date with a spunky lady from Alec ward.
Then we had an appointment with Temeca after and this was her ONLY day off and she has been avoiding us like the plague so it was really important that we went to go see her. (prayers for temeca)
Then only a couple hours later we had a dinner appointment with a cool group of ladies who were going to feed us and teach us how to knit!
So basically
1. the wards love us
2. we are struggling w our investigators
3. our p day was so gone. so we just switched it. got some really good work done on Monday and then p day-ed on tuesday!
But what brings on this email is a mash between the greatness of Conference and what I learned and also meeting with Duane and Robin.
So we met with Duane and Robin at the church at 9 am.
I had talked to them several times over the phone. Probably about 4-5 times. And I was so pumped to meet them.
They had met with missionaries before, they were so kind, they sounded very genuinely interested and really excited to meet with us!
I was pumped!
Turns out as we begin meeting with them we find out they are hardcore Catholics. They have zero interest in joining the church or honestly discussing Christ. They totally put up a front that they were interested so that they could meet with us and anti us. Try to confuse us and realize the 'truth' that lies in their beliefs. They said they wanted to discuss the similarities of our beliefs but just wanted to bible bash about the trinity and church history.
It was a sickening experience but also and incredibly spiritual experience for me.
This wasn't my first time being anti-ed unfortunately I have dealt with these situations several times.
but this time was a cool spiritual experience!
They whole time while they were talking I felt very calm. I had words and stories and scriptures and ensign talks and examples and old seminary lessons come into my mind and bear testimony to me of their truthfulness.
We did not argue, we did not back down, we did not demean, we did not hurt their feelings or make them feel stupid.
We just bore testimony. A very simple one that no one can argue with.
I didn't say most of the stories and example and no scriptures that came to my mind because I knew that they were for me. To build my own testimony.
and instead of coming out of this experience sick to my stomach, angry, and exhausted... I came out sad, but peaceful and full of the spirit.
I know the Spirit was with me and that was an incredible feeling.
But hearing the amazing testimonies from the prophet and apostles at conference and having my prayers and questions answered was just what I needed to have my testimony and faith strengthened.
I came to this realization.
The doctrines and principles of the gospel are not my opinion.
They are fact. They are true.
The question is not if they are true.. because they already are...
The question is if we are going to follow them and if we are going to build our faith and be our best selves.
It's not "is the Book of Mormon really the word of God and did Joseph Smith really translate it?"
The Book of Mormon is true scripture and Joseph Smith already translated it a long time ago and its out for us to read! That already happened!
The question is "Will you read the scripture God has provided for us and let yourself change and come closer to God?"
It's not "is the Bible really still relevant today and apply to us and something we can learn from?"
Um hello! Its been here 5ever for us to learn from and follow the directions that God has set up for us!
The question is "Will you read and study it to know the character of your Father and Savior more fully and how to be more like Him?"
Its not "did Joseph Smith really see God and Christ in a vision when he was 14?"
Yes. That happened in the 1820's. Fact, it already happened. Event. It was a powerful, important experience that ended the Great apostasy and started the last dispensation. It shows us more about God's character and in turn ours.
The question is "will you have faith in this account and let it build you up and teach you about our Heavenly Fathers, Christs, and our own character?"
Its not "is Thomas S Monson really the prophet called by and communicates with God?"
Yes. Whether you accept him or not he is the prophet who presides over the whole world and receives revelation from God how to best help us in our day right now.
The question is "will you listen and follow his counsel that is inspired from God?"
Its not "will I really see my family and loved ones again?"
Yes! God loves us so much and wants us to be happy. He has a way for us to return to live with Him and our families forever!
The question is "what will you do or sacrifice to live with God and your families for ever?"
Its not "is God really there and does He really know and care about me?"
Yes. He is our literal Father in Heaven who created our spirits exactly the way they are with our weakness to overcome and strengths to help us. He loves us unconditionally, no matter what we do. He does more for us than we can even imagine. He is your loving heavenly Father whether you treat Him like it or not.
The question is "will you talk to Him like a father, humble yourself, and let him lead and guide you?"
Its not "Is Jesus Christ really the Son of God and Savior?"
Yes! He suffered, died, and rose again so that we can be saved, so we can be our best selves. He gives us the perfect example to follow and to strive for in an example of our Father. No sin or darkness is too deep for the Savior to lift us up.
The question is "will you access His atonement, let Him carry and heal you and repent and be better?"
This is not my opinion. This is truth. This is fact. This can keep going with each of the doctrines and principles of the gospel. Its all true! and we just distract ourselves with the reallys.
There is no question "is this really going to benefit them?" or "they are content with their own church right now..."
The scriptures say baptism by the proper authority is NECESSARY to enter the kingdom of God. They need this beyond belief yall. Its necessary for their salvation.
Doesn't that just get you pumped??
Anyways. this is my little testimony and I just love this gospel alot yall.
I don't know if this makes a whole lot of sense but here is what I have been thinking about and bearing testimony of. I'm so grateful for this sure knowledge.
sister sades
driving on our way to BR! the sunrise over fog. plot twist those aren't meowtains. its clouds |
the MLC crew. <3 love these individuals |
the sista squad. sisters from our zone.
our prompt was 'how awkward can you picture?' |